Hospital and Federal policies require review of each protocol by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) with respect to: 1) the rights and welfare of subjects; 2) the adequacy of methods used to secure informed consent; and 3) the risk and potential benefits of research to the subject.
All CNE IRB submissions are processed through IRBNet, a secure, web-based platform that can be accessed from virtually any computer using a web browser by visiting All users must self-register for an account in IRBNet and affiliate with the IRB (can be multiple) they will be submitting to.
The Butler Hospital IRB Committee meets monthly, usually the first Monday of each month. For a calendar of meetings, deadlines and a current membership roster, visit the F&T Library in IRBNet.
IRB Chair
IRB Vice Chair
IRB Associate Chair
IRB Manager
345 Blackstone Blvd., Center House, 3rd floor, room 345, Providence, RI, 02906
401-455-6654 (internal ext. 26654)
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
For the Women & Infants Hospital IRB Committee calendar of meetings and deadlines visit the Forms & Templates Library in IRBNet.
IRB Vice Chair
111 Brewster Street, Bldg 2, Pawtucket, RI 02860
The Kent Hospital IRB Committee calendar of meetings and deadlines can be found in the Forms & Templates Library in IRBNet.
IRB Chair
The Providence Center utilizes the Butler Hospital IRB for human subject proposal reviews and approvals.
Most questions can be answered in the “Read me First” documents. They are the most up-to-date source of IRB information.
350 Duncan Drive
Chambers Building
Providence, RI 02906
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